at Sugar Hill Primary School
“It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.”
Sir David Attenborough
Our Intent:
The intention of the Geography curriculum at Sugar Hill is to inspire our pupils to become geographers and develop their understanding in 3 aspects of Geography:
- Contextual world knowledge of locations, places and geographical features via good quality resources and experiences
- Understanding the conditions, processed and interactions that explain the geographical features and changes over time
- Be competent in geographical enquiry and the application of skills in observing, collecting, analysing, evaluating and communicating geographical information through repeated practical activities
The knowledge and skills required to excel in this subject are set out in the progression documents below.
Geography and Cultural Capital:
We have planned our Geography curriculum so there are opportunities for the children to learn about all places across the world in a way that acknowledges their own experiences and builds on this throughout their school career. On this learning journey, they will have the opportunity to find out more about famous geographers, cartographers, explorers and modern-day commentators. They will also understand the reasons behind studies and explorations both historical and present-day. These will include social economic motives, environmental reasons, political purposes and a changing natural world. By its very nature, Geography will touch on every aspect of human life on earth.
Our Geography curriculum has been carefully planned and structured to reflect the knowledge of younger learners to more abstract learning for our older learners. The children’s learning journey starts with a focus on very familiar and small areas that they can relate to. Every year, the learning covers a wider area. In this way, the children have the opportunity to learn and develop their geographical knowledge, skills and vocabulary from a solid foundation. As they continue through their learning journey, the objectives get progressively more intricate and complex.
Our Geography Champions
Me and Charlie work with Mrs Alderson, we help to make sure geography is taught around school.
Firstly, we did some book scrutinies where we collected each geography book from each class to see what they have been doing. We where very impressed with Class 8’s book!
Secondly, we went on some learning walks to see some displays and we went down to the infants and saw quite a lot of displays pinning to geography.
Thirdly, we did some pupil discussions and brought two people out of each class and asked them questions. Some of the children were quite good at answering them but a few struggled so we tried to make it easier for them so it planned out quite well. They were amazing.
Finally, I told Mrs Alderson about class 8 doing geography on rivers. They were doing features of rivers, drawing river and labelling them. I asked a child a question saying: “ Tell me one river.” Then the child answered back saying “ The River Thames” I then walked around to a little girl called Lily and I looked at her work and thought it was amazing because they were copying off a sheet with river on and when I looked at the mountains she was drawing I thought it was really good.
Thank you for reading this and Me, Charlie and Mrs Alderson are enjoying what we are doing with geography.
P.S. – If have any questions and are a Sugar Hill Primary school student come to class 9 and Me, Charlie and Mrs Alderson will get to you!
Geography Assembly
Our Long Term Plan
All topic areas begin with a question. We encourage children to think about what they want to know about the topic and teachers plan around those questions. Although we ensure that we adhere to National Curriculum objectives, lessons are largely based on the interests of the children. The children will therefore be more engaged with the lessons and help them to retain information to their long term memories.
- Sugar Hill pupils will be confident at locating places on a range of maps, globes, atlases and digital
- Children will be able to compare and contrast many different aspects of geographical similarities and differences.
- They will have a deep understanding of human activity in the world, both positive and negative.
- Carry out fieldwork, building on prior skills and analyse any gathered data.
- Describe a location using correct geographical vocabulary
"I enjoyed looking at the Atlas to find out more about maps and learning how to read them. I also enjoyed learning about the types of moons." Ava
"Learning about popular landmarks." Archie
"I love it because we get to explore facts." Harlow
"I loved hearing about the first person to go to Antarctica" Chloe
"I liked learning about population because it was interesting to learn how many people were in the UK." Chloe
"I enjoyed looking at longitude and latitude lines in geography lessons." Charlie
"Learning about different countries." Freddie
"I like looking at maps because I learn about countries" Harper
"I liked it when we learning about plastics on World Earth day." Amelia
"In geography I have enjoyed learning about the Earths population and how it can effect the Earth. For these reasons if people move countries it will increase the amount of people in that area." Sophia
"I like to watch videos about people in different places" Lola