Sugar Hill Primary School

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Sheraton Road, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 5NU


Sugar Hill Primary School

'Learning and Growing Together'

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Update 6th November

Update 6th November

9 November 2020 (by Vicky)

Update for Parents/Carers

Dear Parents/Carers - 6th November 2020

I am starting again with a huge thank you for following the rules this week and especially for yesterday, the start of the
National Lockdown across the country. Following the rules is helping to keep everyone safe, our primary concern.

I would just like to remind you of the following requests:
✓ Thank you for wearing masks on school premises, but I would also request that you wear masks around school
premises while you are waiting in line at the school gates. Remember this is keeping others safe.
✓ Only one adult should be coming from each household to drop off and collect the children. The message is to stay
at home so please try to help this and keep people at the gates to a minimum. This will help to ease congestion on
the paths too.
✓ Please move away from the gates and drives at all entrances as soon as your children go into school or are
collected. Again this keeps the paths clear so that people can social distance.
✓ Please only approach the senior staff at the gate. If you need to speak to the class teacher please ring, email
school or put a note in the planner.
Thank you for helping in this fight against the virus, only by working together can we minimise risks.

In other news!

The dates for the half term were emailed this week. This is usually such an exciting term with several parent/carer events.
These will not be able to go ahead but we will make this Christmas half term as exciting as we can for the children. There
are lots of in school events planned.

The dates are:


Wednesday 11th November- Remembrance Day
Poppies will be sold in school on the 10th and 11th November only. Please send donations in envelopes but you will not be able to drop money in for your child should you forget
Friday 13th November- Children in Need- non-uniform day- Donations can be made on Parent Pay
Week 16th November to 20th November – Anti Bullying Week
Wednesday 18th November – Odd Socks day- children can wear odd socks but the rest of the uniform must be worn


Friday 4th December- PD Day
Friday 11th December- Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 18th December- End of Term- Class Party Day- own clothes
School will close at 2pm on Friday 18th December

Parking and dropping off at school remains an issue unfortunately. The rules regarding this have not changed and parking
illegally will be reported to the police. Please do not stop on the zigzag lines to drop your children off.

I would also ask that parents/carers who are leaving their children on the opposite side of the road to school wait to see
them across Sheraton Road. Please do not just leave them. Several children have been noticed to cross the road on their own and do not look.

Please remember that on PE days the children MUST wear school tee shirts and school sweatshirts. This is not a nonuniform day.

Thank you again for your continued support in this very strange time.

That means that any children in the house cannot come into school until results are known and are negative.
If the person taking the test is not the child and results are positive then the whole house must self-isolate for 10

If your child develops symptoms and is sent for a test, please inform school as soon as possible.
If it is the child taking the test and the result is positive then school MUST be informed immediately.
This may result in that Year Group “Bubble” being sent home. In the case of Sugar Hill that is two classes.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Paula O’Rourke