Sugar Hill Primary School

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Sheraton Road, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 5NU


Sugar Hill Primary School

'Learning and Growing Together'

  1. News
  2. Newsletter - Friday 11th February 2022

Newsletter - Friday 11th February 2022

11 February 2022 (by Vicky)

Dear Parents/carers,

Hello, Friday yet again! Can’t quite believe there is only one more week until half term, at least it’s getting lighter and brighter.

Another very busy week in school.

This week has seen Internet Safety Day. This is something we cover throughout the year, not just on one day- and as always, we ask that you are very vigilant about your what children are doing online and who they might be speaking to.

It has also been Children’s Mental Health Awareness week culminating in today’s non-uniform day where the children, and staff have been encouraged to express themselves.

Linda Burniston Retiring!

After 26 years serving Sugar Hill as our cleaner in charge, Linda Burniston is retiring today. She has been an absolute asset and superstar throughout her time here. Nothing has ever been too much trouble and staff are greeted every morning by her cheerful smile and chat. She has been here throughout the pandemic, working with the cleaning team to ensure the school is a safe environment for the children every day.

She will be missed by everyone at Sugar Hill, but we wish her all the very best for her retirement, very well deserved.



We still have cases in school, thankfully these are dropping. Please continue to test the children if they show any symptoms or anyone in your household has COVID.

We will still request that you wear a mask on school premises. Thank you again for your continued support in this.

School Lunch price increase

From 4th April 2022 the price of a school lunch will rise to £2.20 per day- £11.00 per week.

Sugar Hill Coffee Stop

The coffee stop will continue to be open every Tuesday morning this half term in the dining room from 9.05am to 10.00am. Come to Entrance B as soon as you have dropped the children off. It’s cold out there- start your day with a cuppa, toast and a chat.

Spring Term Dates

Friday 18th February – Half term

After school clubs to start again following February half term

Thursday 3rd March- World Book Day- Bedtime Stories the children can wear pyjamas for the day.

Monday 14th March- Science Week- Growth

Friday 18th March – Red Nose Day- more information will follow

Monday 21st March- World Poetry Day

Week beginning Monday 28th March- 2x weeks- Curriculum Show Cases

Friday 8th April- Easter Holidays

Monday 25th April- PD Day

Return to school Tuesday 26th April 2022

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Paula O’Rourke     Head Teacher